Outdoor Mail Match - June 24 - Sept30

Wascana Archers is happy to offer Outdoor Mail Match for the 2024 season!  The Archery Canada Outdoor Mailmatch shoots the 720 Round.  An individual evening consists of 72 arrows, 6 arrows shot at each end and shot at target size and distance according to the applicable Archery Canada categories.  The Outdoor Mailmatch will be open to competition from June through to end of September.  Over the course of the competition individual archers may submit up to 18 scores, one scoring round per calendar week.  Compound archers will shoot at a 80cm target face, while recurve/barebow will shoot at a larger 122cm target.


At the end of the competition only the top 6 scores will be used to calculate the average score for each archer.  As long as 6 scores are received before the September 30th deadline, you can be entered for medals!

All Archery Canada equipment divisions recognized for Target Archery, and all Archery Canada age classes apply.  See the Archery Canada's website for more detailed information.

Please fill out the following form for 2024 Registration! Cost is $20 registration fee + $15 for Archery Canada filled out on 2M

After registering, you can find payment options on our Outdoor Mail Match Payment page. e-transfer or credit card online. But you also have to do the $15 Archery Canada portion directly yourself. See our payment page for all the details or we will contact you after registering anyways.

Thank you!